Happy New Year to you all!

Happy New Year to you all!

Happy New Year to all you naughty coffee lovers!


We have had a very mixed 2024 with lots going on in our personal life and business life but we finished off on a positive! It’s crazy how quick the year just goes by, we wanted the business to take a different direction in 2024 but it didn’t quite happen, and that’s okay! I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and when we reflect on our business year, it was a good one!

We won our award at The Essex Small Business Awards, we went back for our second year at The Tendring Show with two stalls instead of one, we expanded our coffee range, we experienced new events such as The Suffolk Show and Taste of East Anglia, we smashed last year’s Christmas sales and to top it off…we got accepted to attend The London Coffee Festival!!!

In 2025 things will be a little different. We won’t be attending events or shows like we have done the past couple of years (with The Tendring Show being the only exception). Instead, we will be putting all our focus on The London Coffee Festival. This is a huge four-day event with two days focusing on trade and two days open for the general public. This will be taking up a lot of our time as we have a lot of preparation and to do between now and May and we don’t want to f**k it up!

We are also working hard on something else this year…but this one will be kept secret until we have more to say!

For now, we will carry on providing you freshly roasted coffee and keep you updated with the journey ahead. Best wishes for 2025 from us here at Naughty Monkey Coffee!

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