𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐟𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐬𝐨 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐚𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐡 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬!
For this brew guide we will be basing it on James Hoffmans method for the French Press. Who is James Hoffman you ask? I won't be insulted that you don't know ... but let me tell you he is a massive "influencer" and coffee wizard who has worked in the industry for many years. His knowledge of coffee is extensive. He has published a book, co-founded Square Mile coffee roasters and has gained much respect in the coffee industry.
This method of using a Cafetiere is slightly longer than your typical boil, wait 4 minutes and plunge method...BUT I have tried and tested and it works. I used freshly ground coffee from Peru and the flavour notes were delicious.
So, things to note:
1. Always use fresh ground coffee
2. Use filtered water (your coffee won't taste nice if your water doesn't taste nice!)
3. If possible, use digital scales so you know what ratios work best.
4. Take your time, don't rush. It's worth it I promise.

The things you will need!
Scales ✔️
Fresh coffee ✔️
Gooseneck kettle/pouring jug ✔️
Cafetiere/French Press ✔️
Step 1.
For the coffee/water ratio Hoffman suggests 30g coffee to 500g of water. For the purpose of this guide, I used a smaller Cafetiere and therefore my ratios used were 15g/250g water
Your coffee grounds should be medium-coarse, anything finer and it will give a really bitter taste to your coffee.
Step 2.
Boil your kettle to around 95 degrees. If you can't select your temperature then boil the kettle and leave for 30 seconds to cool slightly.
While boiling, weigh out your coffee grounds in your cafetière. As mentioned previously, my ratio of coffee is 15g.
Step 3.
Zero your scales and pour your water slowly ensuring you cover all of your coffee grounds nice and evenly.
Pour until you reach your ratio of water (250g in this demo).
Step 4.
Once you have poured the correct amount of water into your cafetière. Leave it to sit for 4 minutes. Be patient, let it brew. Maybe take a quick toilet break?
Step 5.
Once the 4 minutes is up, use a spoon to stir the crust that has formed on the top.
Most of the bits will fall to the bottom but you will be left with some bits on top. Carefully scoop away the froth and left over parts carefully using a teaspoon until it looks like the photo above.
Then, leave for a further 4-5 minutes...I told you it's once to be patient with!
Step 6.
Once your time is up, gently push your filter down so it is sitting just on top of your coffee. This will act as a strainer when you are pouring and will eliminate any little grounds making their way into your cup!
Step 7.
A nice and easy one...slowly pour your coffee into your chosen cup (Naughty Monkey mug I hope?!)
You will notice there is no sludge or coffee grounds making their way into your cup!! Woo!
Step 8.
Sit back, relax and enjoy your freshly brewed coffee!
I hope you have found this brew guide useful. If you haven't given it a try yet, I would definitely encourage you to! Don't be put off by the time it takes was the results are definitely worth waiting for.
The cafetière/French press is such an easy method to brew with and is capable of producing some lovely cups of coffee.
I tried and tested it myself with Peruvian coffee and using this method it really brought out the fruity notes.
Give it a try and tag us on social media if you do!!