Most people like to know a little bit about who they are buying from, so let's introduce you to the brains behind the brand.

Our team consists of the two of us; husband and wife! We have been together for 10 years and after only 10 months of dating we both quit our jobs and spent over a year travelling around. What has this got to do with coffee you ask? Well, it was when we hit the City of Melbourne our passion for coffee began. We spent many of our days searching for new places and there were so many amazing independent coffee shops to try. For those that have had the pleasure of visiting Melbourne will know it's full of art and culture and their coffee reflects that perfectly!

So upon our return to the UK we struggled for a very long time to find somewhere with the same love and passion for coffee. Many large coffee shops filled with baristas with little or no knowledge around what they are serving, unaware of the hard work and love thats gone into preparing the coffee beans sat in their machines.

The interest and knowledge around specialty coffee is definitely growing in the UK. We have had this dream to bring our love of coffee to other people for many years and we are finally doing it!

One question we often get asked is "Why Naughty Monkey Coffee?"

Well, we both wanted something unique. Something that would stand out and that we could really get creative with. After brainstorming many ideas we wanted a name based on our beautiful little boy. Our son's favourite programme has a monkey and he always laughs and shouts at the naughty monkey! So there we had it and we decided on Naughty Monkey Coffee.

We hope to educate people on the art and science of coffee here at Naughty Monkey Roasters.

Hopefully you enjoy what we bring and more importantly enjoy our coffee!

Here at Naughty Monkey Coffee we are very conscious about the environment. Please click on the link below to read more about our packaging.